We are kicking off the school year with a Stop Motion Animation series during the month of October. Over the course of 5 weeks, students (7-15) will transform their hand drawn concepts into moving animation utilizing a computer application.No experience necessary.
Mondays 3:30-5:00 PM
October 2: Animation Sequencing
October 9: Story Development
October 16: Backgrounds and Filming
October 23: Filming
October 30: Finishing Touches and Upload
TO ENROLL, visit the CLASSES tab of our website at ChuckJonesCenter.org or our program manager, Cyndi Burgess. 949-660-7793 or Cyndi@ChuckJonesCenter.org.
$75 PROGRAM PRE-REGISTRATION (5 classes @ $15 each)
$20 DROP-IN (as space allows)
We continue our studio classes during the month of November with a 4 week series in CARTOONING. Join us on Mondays from 3:30-5:30 in the gallery. Students (7-15) will learn drawing techniques inspired by Chuck Jones to be used in character development and visual storytelling.
No experience necessary.
Mondays 3:30-5:00
November 6: Shapes and Gesture
November 13: Caricature
November 20: Character Design
November 27: Comic Panels
TO ENROLL, visit the CLASSES tab of our website at ChuckJonesCenter.org or our program manager, Cyndi Burgess. 949-660-7793 or Cyndi@ChuckJonesCenter.org.
$60 PROGRAM PRE-REGISTRATION (4 classes @ $15 each)
$20 DROP-IN (as space allows)