Chuck Jones In Your Homes.jpg


WELCOME TO OUR January THEME MONTH, Back to basics! OUR CLASSES will be a mix of subjects THat involve working on our fundamental art skills through a variety of classes and methods.

We are so thankful for all our students and in order to be able to keep offering all of these free lessons we are switching to a donation model. We suggest $5-10 per class, but anything you want to give is graciously appreciated. In addition to all of our free classes we are offering both private lessons and semi-private lessons. You can make a donation by clicking here.

Check out this months online class line up with Mike FUNT, Lee Fairchild, Naylene Justis, Darrell Park & Ben olson.

Each class line is a link to that event with information on the class and supplies you will need and the Zoom link. We record each class and will post those classes on this page for you to view anytime.

Class times are 2:30pm PDT. titles below. links will go live the Sunday before that week begins.


Week 1 - donation based classes - “Form”

monDAY february 1, 2020

  • BEN OLSON - Drawing more interesting poses using better forms

TuesDAY february 2, 2020

  • lee fairchild - Observational drawing - Learning to look for form

wednesDAY february 3, 2020

  • darrell park - Beyond the 2D “shape” - Finding the form; off the page

ThursDAY february 4, 2020

  • mike funt - Slapstick and Physical Comedy

friDAY february 5, 2020

  • Naylene Justice - Cross contour


Week 2 - donation based classes - “space”

monDAY february 8, 2020

  • BEN OLSON - i need my space…and my ink pen

TuesDAY february 9, 2020

  • lee fairchild - Observational drawing - still life drawing and learning to overlap using proportions

wednesDAY february 10, 2020

  • darrell park - Expression through the use of space - Negative vs positive; open vs confined

ThursDAY february 11, 2020

  • mike funt - Comic Perspective: The “Space” Between Comic Reality and Actual Reality

friDAY february 12, 2020

  • Naylene Justice - Environment: drawing animals in their world


week 3 - donation based classes - “value”

What is value? Value is the range of light and darkness within a picture created by a light source. Value in a drawing makes the objects look three dimensional.

monDAY february 15, 2020

  • BEN OLSON - The value of creating landscapes

TuesDAY february 16, 2020

  • lee fairchild - Observational drawing - drawing from a photograph

wednesDAY february 17, 2020

  • darrell park - Follow my lead - Keeping it simple; say it in three!

ThursDAY february 18, 2020

  • mike funt - Comic Opposites/Clash of Context

friDAY february 19, 2020

  • Naylene Justice - Take form to the next level

week 4 - donation based classes - “Combining the elements of art, how does it all fit together?”

monDAY february 22, 2020

TuesDAY february 23, 2020

wednesDAY february 24, 2020

ThursDAY february 25, 2020

friDAY february 26, 2020